The Strategic Homemaker

learning to follow the Father, care for the clan, and redeem the resources


Entering a New Phase

Not sure if anyone is still reading this…my bad on not posting in 6 months, but we are entering some new phases around here. A phase of big kids not taking naps, a phase of planning serious kitchen remodeling [we finally have the house mostly furnished!], a gardening phase, and perhaps the biggest change:

We’ve been getting all our background checks done, and will hopefully be certified as a host family by April. Safe Families is different from foster families in a few ways, including that the child’s parents retain custody and voluntarily request help, and the kids’ stays average a month. It is through Bethany Christian Services rather than through the state, although the state is in cooperation with Safe Families and can refer parents to them. You can read more about it here:

All that to say that I have re-prioritized my time, and Facebook and blogging didn’t make the cut. And at the rate things are going, I don’t see myself getting back to it for a while. Actually, even my sewing machine is currently banished to the basement . If you know me, send me an email or give me a call sometime. and I’ll try to keep sending out real Christmas cards.

Au revoir,
